2024 Ricky Lebeck Challenge
Standings for Ricky Lebeck Challenge

Ricky Lebeck Challenge sorted by total overall pins
Ricky Lebeck Challenge 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Carter Fecher 275 201 235 190 901 997
2 Jason Clayton 223 151 237 258 869 945 52
3 David Moore 194 224 223 225 866 930 67
4 Ricky Lebeck 200 193 215 234 842 902 95
5 Shannon Vazquez 211 212 201 149 773 873 124 29
6 Robert Heath Jr 221 215 188 172 796 864 133 38
7 Aaron Brown 121 199 181 116 617 833 164 69
8 Lori Moore 119 147 148 139 553 777 220 125
9 Lance Steinmetz 170 180 179 189 718 754 243 148
10 Robert Heath Sr 214 149 188 127 678 750 247 152
11 Jim Betchel 142 182 139 175 638 722 275 180

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