2024 NWWBT - Park Singles
Standings for NWWBT - Park Singles

NWWBT - Park Singles sorted by total overall pins
NWWBT - Park Singles 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Briana Ebbinghaus 202 204 236 286 159 169 1256 1370
2 Steffanie Jimenez 168 169 155 202 197 210 1101 1365 5
3 Melissa Gray 205 147 168 177 223 233 1153 1333 37
4 Ashley Willard 203 196 193 257 168 190 1207 1315 55
5 Hannah Wools 185 175 183 246 151 245 1185 1281 89
6 Makayla Jensen 237 179 221 157 194 225 1213 1249 121
7 Courtney Nikolas 236 197 233 161 212 205 1244 1244 126 5
8 Janaki DiSanto 226 161 208 191 172 164 1122 1230 140 19
9 Jennie Sparano 168 161 175 138 123 218 983 1205 165 44
10 Cindy Nikolas 167 189 179 176 160 153 1024 1192 178 57
11 Dorothy Breazile 187 133 226 163 202 173 1084 1180 190 69
12 Chelsea Sporkia 203 192 178 195 213 187 1168 1168 202 81
13 Laura Cowling 189 231 166 190 202 179 1157 1157 213 92
14 Amy Duddington 122 175 154 186 166 153 956 1124 246 125
15 Audra Lenox 107 174 133 127 150 124 815 1121 249 128
16 Julianne Curiel 141 140 124 159 138 131 833 1079 291 170
17 Robbin Kirk 163 139 179 146 157 150 934 1072 298 177

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