2025 Central Texas USBC Mens/Womens Tournament
Standings for Central Texas USBC Mens/Womens Tournament

Team Womens sorted by scratch
Team Womens 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 OG Full Rack 828 891 859 2578 2875 $760.00
2 Sugar Sprinkles 762 805 809 2376 2871 $380.00
3 Full Rack 669 739 748 2156 2495 $260.00
4 FreeStyle Babes 690 612 765 2067 2934
5 Bowl - A - Llamas 662 664 674 2000 2747
6 Queen's Magic 569 655 659 1883 2663
7 Collateral Damage Ladies 547 652 658 1857 2532
8 Twinkle Toes 604 602 592 1798 2674
9 The Bowling Babes 647 516 583 1746 2739
10 The 4 Golden Girls 555 534 626 1715 2585
11 Here 4 Da Baggers 599 493 569 1661 2672
12 Fantastic Four 543 572 540 1655 2489
13 We Are Trying 493 610 523 1626 2598
14 Team Allred 1 523 484 530 1537 2665
15 Bowling Babes 522 531 483 1536 2574
See individual results
** A note from your tournament director:
Unofficial results. These will be official 2/10/2025. Payouts/sorting when clicking TOTAL are results. Scratch was not an event except for AE.

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