2024 July - Maple Lanes Trios
Standings for July - Maple Lanes Trios

June ML Sunday Trios sorted by total overall pins
June ML Sunday Trios 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Team Reyes 567 641 602 1810 2260
2 Team Cooper 607 559 684 1850 2258
3 Team House 732 681 725 2138 2198 60
4 Team Tye 536 690 700 1926 2193 65
5 Team Green 718 629 585 1932 2088 170
6 Team Walker 712 644 602 1958 2087 171
7 Team Heidemann 594 688 640 1922 2033 225
8 Team Halchak 626 593 723 1942 2014 244
9 Team Bosquez 736 651 573 1960 2011 247
10 Team Vanness 501 524 511 1536 1995 263
11 Team Van Skoik 625 582 520 1727 1925 333
See individual results

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