2024 Sam's Town Championship
Standings for Sam's Town Championship

Sam's Town Championship sorted by total overall pins
Sam's Town Championship 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Randy Williams 222 190 173 585 663
2 Elino Nacpil 165 169 166 500 605
3 Wanda Parsons 153 184 144 481 592
4 Fred R Wendt 161 159 148 468 588
5 Benny Sangalang 145 171 149 465 585
6 Ed Trott 186 152 170 508 574
7 Victor Johnson 181 189 138 508 520
8 Annette Gudson 138 143 117 398 506
9 Alex Lee 139 147 157 443 491
10 Paris Davis 133 135 138 406 463

Scan for Standings