2024 Senior No-Tap
Standings for Senior No-Tap

Senior No-Tap sorted by total overall pins
Senior No-Tap 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Tom Roth 234 300 258 300 1092 1092
2 Mike Pendleton 177 208 210 241 836 1088
3 Joey Parnass 212 233 229 219 893 1021
4 Tony Blackburn 236 210 190 274 910 1018
5 Teresa Moberly 175 216 156 157 704 1012
6 Jim Pennington 199 152 205 188 744 1004
7 Nat Weathers 182 222 159 223 786 986
8 Chad Redfern 179 205 278 220 882 982
9 Darren Fielder 223 200 230 231 884 944
10 Kay Pendleton 186 155 158 143 642 930
11 John Feldman 198 230 166 215 809 929
12 Missy Moore 121 161 185 206 673 905
13 Julie Million 170 186 152 142 650 898
14 Jeff Moberly 161 111 178 159 609 845
15 Cheryl Jenkins 148 144 135 181 608 840
16 Lee Joslyn 142 134 172 142 590 838
17 Tom Rhorer 265 180 143 167 755 835
18 Stephanie Kress 154 129 146 206 635 823
19 Mel Law 189 233 202 123 747 815

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