2024 BOPO Handicap 24
Standings for BOPO Handicap 24

BOPO Handicap 24 sorted by scratch
BOPO Handicap 24 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 . Linus 232 166 172 233 803 855
2 Squeaky G 160 157 221 264 802 906 -51
3 Inigo Montoya 168 200 215 214 797 917 -62
4 Ricky The Razor 179 182 235 167 763 815 40
5 Bass To Mouth 155 177 210 202 744 936 -81
6 Frankie Abralon 203 183 183 172 741 769 86
7 G Force 169 203 188 179 739 815 40
8 Poo Bear 138 232 147 218 735 783 72
9 Nut Sauce 201 178 160 193 732 744 111
10 Dick Whitman 177 188 157 204 726 850 5
11 Phil Frames 161 231 187 137 716 800 55
12 . Gutterboi 203 143 180 182 708 764 91
13 . Nugget 184 177 202 142 705 837 18
14 . Glossy 119 250 157 167 693 741 114 96
15 Mr. Vintage 148 198 178 167 691 827 28 10
16 LL Cool J 165 198 163 157 683 799 56 38
17 . Pale 173 155 164 186 678 826 29 11
18t Sweet Hot Gravy 167 182 171 158 678 810 45 27
18t . Lobsterman 133 202 181 158 674 810 45 27
20 Sonny D 139 222 149 163 673 733 122 104
21 Buck Ripcord 174 169 167 161 671 663 192 174
22 Tommy Torpedo 158 156 164 171 649 773 82 64
23 Spare Me 153 152 170 164 639 851 4 -14
24 Mango El 181 160 113 185 639 783 72 54
25 Sauce Boss 155 158 174 151 638 786 69 51
26 Triple G 158 150 170 160 638 770 85 67
27 . Mimi 158 149 162 168 637 833 22 4
28 . Megalodon 133 152 178 171 634 722 133 115
29 . Squatch 128 157 163 185 633 745 110 92
30 Mrs. Brady 180 122 163 165 630 802 53 35
31 . Niner 139 171 160 156 626 758 97 79
32 Boom Hammer 148 164 161 152 625 753 102 84
33 Doc Moose 140 156 177 150 623 767 88 70
34 Trash Island 180 161 132 147 620 768 87 69
35 . Couch 149 147 193 131 620 692 163 145
36 . Redbush 137 138 172 167 614 790 65 47
37 . Potassium 135 126 182 159 602 770 85 67
38 Just Pickle 165 148 143 145 601 789 66 48
39 Unit G 164 121 144 170 599 767 88 70
40 Lil Lane Master 178 166 135 112 591 783 72 54
41 Burt The Bandit 146 146 146 153 591 735 120 102
42 Danny Diesel 125 149 158 152 584 700 155 137
43 . Cupcake 138 135 146 163 582 874 -19 -37
44 . Caspah 139 162 133 139 573 801 54 36
45 . Johio 131 128 152 162 573 757 98 80
46 Circle K 167 136 129 129 561 861 -6 -24
47t . Red 157 132 117 154 560 764 91 73
47t Kelly Kabowlski 146 125 133 128 532 764 91 73
49 . Nessquik 142 114 122 138 516 740 115 97
50 Lil Kimichi 123 145 126 120 514 790 65 47
51 Humboldt Honey 152 125 107 116 500 792 63 45
52 Alley Kat 137 112 97 114 460 764 91 73
53 Big Strong Polish Girl 93 96 123 108 420 800 55 37

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