2024 9-Tap
Standings for 9-Tap

9-Tap sorted by scratch
9-Tap 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Gunnar Williams 244 300 297 841 841
2 Alex Goshert 278 255 241 774 774
3 Jake Manning 183 266 252 701 701
4 Caleb Harris 176 264 251 691 775
5 Katie Manning 245 212 229 686 701 74
6 Lane Flesher 202 233 194 629 671 104
7 Michael Hubbert 178 175 208 561 591 184
8 Brice Luna 172 101 148 421 613 162
9 Jace Manning 131 106 31 268 598 177

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