2024 PBA Bat 37
Standings for PBA Bat 37

PBA Bat 37 sorted by scratch
PBA Bat 37 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut
1 Tyler Satre 166 200 183 228 777 -23
2 Mike Erickson 221 179 157 192 749 -51 28
3 Robert Heath Sr 196 139 226 178 739 -61 38
4 Jeff Christianson 178 177 170 201 726 -74 51 13
5 Jordan NewBanks 268 146 151 116 681 -119 96 58
6 Mike Headlee 164 178 126 177 645 -155 132 94
7 Mason Will 173 175 156 134 638 -162 139 101
8 Don Drake 139 169 135 156 599 -201 178 140
9 Mike Miller 118 140 118 165 541 -259 236 198

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