2024 Monday Night Singles League #14
Standings for Monday Night Singles League #14

Monday Night Singles sorted by scratch
Monday Night Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1t KIANTE D 234 223 213 266 936
1t JASON M 242 247 214 233 936 0
3 HUNTER B 278 232 183 223 916 20
4 JOHNNY B 259 216 216 202 893 43
5 MIKE I 221 193 247 197 858 78
6 JESSE B 214 220 195 225 854 82
7 JEFF S 172 205 248 191 816 120
8 BLAKE L 245 180 183 191 799 137
9 JIM S 162 236 225 623 313

Scan for Standings