2024 Evergreen Shootout 2024
Standings for Evergreen Shootout 2024

Evergreen Shootout 2024 sorted by scratch
Evergreen Shootout 2024 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Lead
1 Treston Bergeron 192 221 191 233 837
2t Justin Quinones 207 195 183 217 802 35
2t Emmanuel Berube 224 177 194 207 802 35
4 Tylor Beckwith 214 227 187 164 792 45
5 Josh Forsman 219 179 199 191 788 49
6 Dennis Neal 167 193 212 191 763 74
7 Tom Albert 205 191 183 173 752 85
8 Hilda Quinones 162 190 187 202 741 96
9 Dennis Neal Jr 179 212 180 168 739 98
10 John Smith 173 144 254 162 733 104
11 Butch Richardson 186 214 133 192 725 112
12 Josh Millen 132 148 234 209 723 114
13 Joe Brissette 183 156 192 191 722 115
14 Josh Cyr 175 192 184 167 718 119
15 Zach Stearns 150 212 150 194 706 131
16 Rick Campbell 160 183 187 168 698 139
17 Jamie Albert 169 166 182 169 686 151
18t Dave Rines 208 189 147 139 683 154
18t Paul Johnson 158 176 148 201 683 154
20 Kyle Wells 171 153 198 151 673 164
21 Kelly Campbell 134 145 199 194 672 165
22 Wayne Smith 192 149 169 161 671 166
23 Anthony Boyce 158 179 131 190 658 179
24t Dave Mercier 145 165 150 196 656 181
24t Whitney Boyce 190 119 198 149 656 181
26 Simon Morrow III 125 188 147 194 654 183
27 John Albert 153 199 167 124 643 194
28 Lisa Cantafio 153 150 182 152 637 200
29 Will Cooper 174 177 146 126 623 214
30 Dan Towle 156 122 176 158 612 225
31 Craig Oneal 195 147 140 123 605 232
32 Alex Chavez 132 157 183 114 586 251
33 Cindy Butler 159 141 133 104 537 300
34 Deana Williams 137 122 130 134 523 314
35 Margo Peers 150 136 110 113 509 328
36 Phil Mcdonough 115 114 154 97 480 357

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