2024 Hallmark 5 Game Sweeper
Standings for Hallmark 5 Game Sweeper

Sweeper Scratch sorted by scratch
Sweeper Scratch 0 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Stu Williams 0 267 258 255 240 226 1246
2 Trey Sledge 0 253 300 215 193 226 1187
3 John (J.B) Breytspraak 0 300 254 221 237 172 1184
4 Bronson Etse Sr. 0 249 279 223 218 212 1181
5 Duane Threatt 0 208 246 256 205 209 1124
6 Keith Lesko 0 224 224 258 201 216 1123
7 James Smith 0 245 204 231 232 209 1121
8 Cody Layne 0 225 223 232 236 201 1117
9 Travis Tribolet 0 254 216 159 235 244 1108
10 Jamie Shell 0 236 248 159 259 204 1106
11 Mike Owens 0 194 215 198 180 258 1045
12 Daniel Spells Sr 0 152 234 168 218 216 988
13 Bronson Etse Jr. 0 219 182 188 165 213 967
14 Logan Frishman 0 222 179 160 161 209 931
15 Marcus Saintil 0 192 155 165 179 179 870

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