2024 32nd Annual Delaware Valley Bowling Champions
Standings for 32nd Annual Delaware Valley Bowling Champions

Women's Singles Day 1 sorted by total overall pins
Women's Singles Day 1 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Danielle (Rikki) Del Donno 206 246 216 213 881 1017
2 Emily Gibbons 225 214 277 188 904 1000
3 Brandi Nicol 110 220 155 131 616 976
4 Loni Cabell 245 224 179 211 859 955
5 Frost Ng 130 179 164 147 620 948 7
6 Jennifer Vajda 157 165 188 160 670 918 37
7 Kimberly Limani 207 225 200 200 832 916 39
8 Sophie Perrakis 117 155 136 147 555 863 92
9 Johanna Cancel 166 201 181 155 703 859 96

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