2024 GLAC USBC Singles
Standings for GLAC USBC Singles

Womens Division sorted by total overall pins
Womens Division 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Kaitlin Silva 216 244 228 688 709 $215.00
2 Lindsey Murray 125 105 150 380 662 $100.00
3 Josie Techau 141 188 132 461 650
4 Maile Robertson 163 152 168 483 639
5 Sierra Terry 135 175 140 450 591
6 Darcie Crago 135 169 116 420 582
7 Megan Toms 154 178 146 478 568

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