2024 Mo Money Mondays TEST RUN
Standings for Mo Money Mondays TEST RUN

singles sorted by total overall pins
singles 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Maurice Lewis 240 265 234 739 739 $80.00
2 Cierra Pree 209 223 199 631 703 $50.00
3 Cody Reed 202 230 220 652 700 $40.00
4 Stefan Lewis 224 225 198 647 689
5 Corey Lewis 219 202 181 602 653
6 Tracy Malone 191 203 181 575 644
7 Crysteena Cooper 120 160 200 480 636
Tariq Johnson 160 178 164 502 580 dq

Scan for Standings