2024 Sept 14th Baker Doubles
Standings for Sept 14th Baker Doubles

Sept 14th Baker Doubles sorted by total overall pins
Sept 14th Baker Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Team Slavin 266 240 192 274 225 236 1433 1469
2 Team Ciraulo 234 212 211 201 212 169 1239 1347 122
3 Team Dawson 257 211 186 230 201 237 1322 1322 147
4 Team Whitehouse 183 257 165 240 205 190 1240 1312 157 10
5 Team McMichael 256 180 235 162 225 244 1302 1302 167 20
6 Team Thomas 201 167 249 232 235 192 1276 1300 169 22
7 Team Zaitonia 186 224 190 244 191 189 1224 1296 173 26
8 Team Meirow 235 228 209 160 215 216 1263 1287 182 35
9 Team Dimuzio 212 204 214 266 190 194 1280 1280 189 42
10 Team Johnson 228 207 196 178 200 257 1266 1266 203 56
11 Team Fasbender 193 214 163 187 168 203 1128 1260 209 62
12 Team Hutton 204 163 204 212 213 179 1175 1247 222 75
13 Team Kenaan 159 171 164 242 215 245 1196 1244 225 78
14 Team Lee 171 176 164 164 150 183 1008 1128 341 194
15 Team Smith 202 185 171 168 157 156 1039 1063 406 259

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