2024 Summer 6 - 2024
Standings for Summer 6 - 2024

Qualifying sorted by scratch
Qualifying 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Andi Tucker 207 236 244 180 190 183 1240 1282
2 Tim Bristol 247 221 192 168 195 185 1208 1256
3 Richard Franks 220 192 195 212 164 203 1186 1276
4 Dale Tyler 177 210 148 232 188 214 1169 1295
5 Dave Moyer 204 192 169 213 181 179 1138 1222
6 Braden Baker 190 218 152 151 171 225 1107 1215 7
7 Curtis Kruschel 179 210 171 173 174 180 1087 1159 63
8 Mike Tucker 173 176 168 201 208 154 1080 1242 -20
9 Ray Chupp 193 151 211 174 142 164 1035 1227 -5
10 Waylend White 176 160 171 179 165 144 995 1205 17
11 Daryl Bagley 177 145 129 189 191 155 986 1220 2
12 Kaden Helm 119 191 180 150 182 158 980 1124 98
13 Clint Robinson 153 144 165 184 152 142 940 1258 -36
14 Alandus Mayes 136 124 128 141 183 141 853 1231 -9
15 Gail Attaway 138 166 143 148 119 135 849 1311 -89
16 Artis Banks 119 165 150 162 126 99 821 1133 89
17 Ken Whitsell 190 140 136 125 95 130 816 1212 10
18 Ron Attaway 139 142 153 122 120 117 793 1237 -15

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