2024 LG Monthly Doubles - September 2024
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - September 2024

Handicap Doubles sorted by scratch
Handicap Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Greg Blankenship / Sean Riccardi 469 536 464 528 526 2523 2523
2 Justin Paxton / Rich Lancaster 470 456 489 511 494 2420 2420
3 Josh Merkel / Austin Andrews 499 441 490 500 450 2380 2380
4 Jabre Smith / Adam Heidemann 444 524 470 452 381 2271 2291 89
5 Gunner Watson / Darryl Dempsey 441 431 494 444 439 2249 2249 131
6 Steven Boynton / Jalen Hulse 412 484 434 456 436 2222 2502 -122
7 Alvin Tuggerson / Zak Slomba 460 426 456 369 454 2165 2220 160
8 Parker Lakilak / Pablo Lakilak 362 481 372 473 445 2133 2378 2
9 Stephen Scheck / Joseph Kubilus 350 405 466 454 437 2112 2297 83
10 Dick Kanatzar / Mike Meeks 362 374 475 449 445 2105 2330 50
11 Brian Vargo / Zack Bice 480 421 437 362 383 2083 2103 277
12 Ryan Ebberup / Carrie Ebberup 314 402 439 446 462 2063 2398 -18
13 John Semetis / Michael Rossi 419 411 437 370 408 2045 2295 85
14 Adrienne Ruffin / Ruffin John 400 411 376 377 458 2022 2227 153
15 Jamee Harris / Brian Hane 440 384 406 380 411 2021 2116 264
16 Vince McKeoun / Vincent Spangle Jr. 374 448 419 398 378 2017 2042 338
17 Joe Casale / Dave Venters 350 373 365 450 419 1957 2137 243
18 Cameron Brindle / Daniel Rodriguez 419 400 338 452 342 1951 2236 144
19 Nicholas Kleppin / David Benjamin 344 327 425 333 327 1756 2196 184
20 Nadius Silva / Kelly Dickerson 303 347 379 331 356 1716 2211 169
21 Steve Capella / John Kline 327 358 314 359 345 1703 2098 282
22 Melissa Hahn / Katelyn Jones 303 346 292 319 268 1528 2068 312
See individual results

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