2024 Six Game Sport Shot Sweper
Standings for Six Game Sport Shot Sweper

Six Game Sport Shot Sweep sorted by scratch
Six Game Sport Shot Sweep 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut Prize
1 Emmanuel McPherson 238 269 233 163 251 257 1411 $300.00
2 Jorge Rodriguez 237 257 248 217 216 223 1398 $150.00
3 Clark Bonnewell 226 191 205 178 277 218 1295 103
4 Kaleb House 189 242 254 174 190 234 1283 115
5 River Vanveghel 192 163 212 255 235 161 1218 180
6t Kyle Stark 225 191 151 203 178 202 1150 248
6t Scott LaBeau 201 172 224 191 179 183 1150 248
8 Brandon Pierce 186 211 149 187 194 179 1106 292
9 Jeremy Kinealy 198 174 194 173 159 185 1083 315
10 Dominic Corpus 144 114 133 197 149 149 886 512

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