2024 9 Pin No Tap Sept
Standings for 9 Pin No Tap Sept

9 Pin No Tap Sept sorted by scratch
9 Pin No Tap Sept 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Lucas Cobb / Sean Stacey 434 437 462 1333 1477
2 Christe J McDougal / Bill Gillett 425 451 441 1317 1551
3 Mel Smith / Jerry Tipton 421 475 397 1293 1653
4 Jonathan Curiel / Julianne Curiel 448 392 448 1288 1501
5 Lance Gilgan / Kelly Gilgan 411 355 449 1215 1410
6 Don Danka / Kurtis Danka 385 424 400 1209 1491
7 Jennifer Johnson / Terry Diarmit 360 434 415 1209 1476
8 Katie Berberick / Josh Berberick 351 374 439 1164 1524
9 Cody Renfro / Tyler Renfro 303 454 379 1136 1484
10 Andy Pucket / Patrick Tabor 461 353 321 1135 1495
11 Kerry Kelly / John Bates 422 346 352 1120 1480
12 Cindi Hale / Shirley Gillett 386 291 402 1079 1439
13 Christian Harding / Mary Hardman 391 311 375 1077 1392
14 Donald Slack / Joe Lombardo 280 349 443 1072 1426
15 Lori Webb / Kevin Humland 363 300 391 1054 1375
16 Timothy Mcgeever / Sherry Maher 399 327 282 1008 1335
See individual results

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