2024 BigBoysBowlers Doubles Tournament (chameleon 39)
Standings for BigBoysBowlers Doubles Tournament (chameleon 39)

BigBoysBowlers Doubles sorted by scratch
BigBoysBowlers Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Purple Slammers 442 442 481 394 376 430 2565 2829 $800.00
2 Green Schroschk Team 420 404 480 441 348 398 2491 2707 $470.00
3 Goode Mike 400 370 399 398 347 369 2283 2751 $270.00
4 Murray Jackson Team 348 391 341 411 401 351 2243 2471 $180.00
5 Hart Larsen Team 369 402 432 364 318 323 2208 2406 $120.00
6 Hulse Boynton Team 313 395 412 338 393 298 2149 2587
7 Spray and Pray 407 326 275 332 391 412 2143 2425
8 WOW! NO FRIES?! 312 462 369 341 350 302 2136 2466
9 Williams/Smith Team 372 333 343 339 377 369 2133 2277
10 Kleppin Reyes Team 344 327 302 399 384 351 2107 2443
11 Bald and Tall 362 361 339 309 399 317 2087 2471
12 Kerns Nation 342 382 322 309 379 337 2071 2461
13 Walking on a lane 281 293 372 406 352 348 2052 2568
14 After Everything 392 374 317 306 287 373 2049 2451
15 Parish Krotzer Team 363 305 345 353 333 302 2001 2265
16 Left + Right = W 287 340 367 285 331 385 1995 2529
17 Chicarelli Potente Team 314 429 282 276 352 337 1990 2290
18 Quinton Young Team 345 319 329 351 296 333 1973 2357
19 Brendan Zachery 270 375 253 344 346 353 1941 2331
20 Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda 324 352 302 328 305 294 1905 2391
21 Los Boris 364 321 325 339 253 289 1891 2383
22 Thiccccc and Bald 302 311 320 342 314 300 1889 2585
23 Quillen Time 299 309 221 269 297 285 1680 2304
See individual results
** A note from your tournament director:
Dalton, Tim K, Nick L were paid via cash app/zelle for their winnings since they left. Everybody else was paid in person.

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