2024 Youth Tournament Series - 092224
Standings for Youth Tournament Series - 092224

HANDICAP sorted by scratch
HANDICAP 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 CARSON FEDOR 177 152 133 163 625 769 $55.00
2t ANTONN RIDGNAL, JR 164 122 150 157 593 761 $17.50
2t BRONSON JONES 111 130 135 197 573 761 $17.50
4 MELANIE COLE 112 109 119 149 489 717
5 CAMDEN HARMAN 110 82 112 127 431 811
6 CASHTON HARMAN 84 87 73 94 338 826

Scan for Standings