2024 Bowling For Zander
Standings for Bowling For Zander

U15 Advancers Round sorted by scratch
U15 Advancers Round 0 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Chase Bitzer 880 190 150 175 1395 1515
2 Masen Velgersdyk 818 177 236 162 1393 1489
3 Constant Riley 872 124 192 187 1375 1432
4 Lincoln Heil 846 166 180 161 1353 1449
5 Holden Austreim 841 167 170 175 1353 1401
6 Isaac Whitcomb 842 170 167 165 1344 1449 -48 $410.00
7 Aiden Danielsen 841 183 147 172 1343 1433 -32
8 Aisley Grib 830 220 145 115 1310 1430 -29
9 Clara Johnston 808 155 162 180 1305 1395 6
10 Richard Penning 846 152 151 155 1304 1424 -23
11 Avery Cole 833 152 175 140 1300 1420 -19
12 Cooper Brust 809 156 180 141 1286 1406 -5

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