2024 9.22.24 CBE Seniors
Standings for 9.22.24 CBE Seniors

9.22.24 CBE Seniors sorted by scratch
9.22.24 CBE Seniors 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Dave Cirigliano 241 204 268 257 238 189 1397 +197
2 Mark Mazzulla 202 217 215 225 259 210 1328 +128 69
3 Ron Schloss 198 252 208 187 207 233 1285 +85 112
4 JD Stuewe 225 192 210 224 206 200 1257 +57 140
5 Clancy DeGroodt 226 205 205 235 173 207 1251 +51 146 6 $60.00
6 Shawn Grant 257 193 222 210 186 181 1249 +49 148 8
7 Steve Roberts 194 247 183 217 204 203 1248 +48 149 9
8 Gary Estep 203 226 163 204 243 193 1232 +32 165 25
9 Alex Arizala 216 160 168 257 219 204 1224 +24 173 33
10 Gary Roff 171 243 198 188 185 225 1210 +10 187 47
11 Devon Saunders 175 141 203 193 244 248 1204 +4 193 53
12 Doug Walker 176 168 196 248 210 178 1176 -24 221 81
13 Jay Ciccanti 182 184 200 179 206 219 1170 -30 227 87
14 Jimmy Montgomery 205 221 189 165 173 190 1143 -57 254 114
15 Bill Henderson 191 188 212 143 172 194 1100 -100 297 157
16 Randy Blocker 153 178 186 218 170 166 1071 -129 326 186
17 Robert Sanders 183 203 184 167 157 166 1060 -140 337 197
18 Marlon Brown 181 188 187 153 160 170 1039 -161 358 218
19 Rich Curtis 157 154 162 221 181 156 1031 -169 366 226

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