2024 MAYBE - Hanks Bowl
Standings for MAYBE - Hanks Bowl

15UB SCH 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Lead From Cut
1 Jacson Deiters 210 230 159 247 194 1040
2 Owen Hemker 175 179 183 159 223 919 121
3 Cooper Martin 169 134 172 207 221 903 137
4 Zach Ritter 137 188 175 146 212 858 182
5 Brenden Phillips 105 177 216 119 234 851 189 7
6 Gage Rakers 184 157 168 156 170 835 205 23
7 Brody Zotz 164 167 149 179 174 833 207 25
8 Chase Krebs 166 166 143 151 202 828 212 30
9 Garrett Ross 121 161 157 185 188 812 228 46
10 Grant Zeigler 123 198 140 147 185 793 247 65
11 Jake McMinn 140 150 141 185 168 784 256 74
12 Caleb Hemker 139 149 148 163 163 762 278 96
13 Hudson Dulle 184 126 133 183 133 759 281 99
14 Marcus Deiters 133 135 146 153 176 743 297 115
15 Logan Wilken 180 156 131 149 99 715 325 143

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