2024 Premier Lanes Thursday Sweeper #3
Standings for Premier Lanes Thursday Sweeper #3

Premier Lanes Sweeper sorted by total overall pins
Premier Lanes Sweeper 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 EJ Lehman 221 211 184 206 191 1013 1188
2 James Moody 236 215 237 256 189 1133 1183
3 Daniel Ross 204 193 158 211 257 1023 1133
4 Nick Lowe 206 203 147 221 178 955 1130
5 Aiden Lehman 201 204 162 206 161 934 1094
6 Michael Edwards 162 214 222 194 193 985 1070
7 Steve Tedford 212 169 168 220 235 1004 1049
8 Olivia Tedford 169 163 182 155 179 848 1023
9 William Eddings 166 185 133 146 198 828 1003
10 Erika Tedford 154 135 161 136 142 728 903
11 Steve Powers 154 95 177 145 151 722 897

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