2024 Firelake Pro Shop 6 Game Sweeper
Standings for Firelake Pro Shop 6 Game Sweeper

6 Game Sweeper sorted by scratch
6 Game Sweeper 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Mike Walker 212 267 219 247 258 225 1428 1470
2 Ryan Loudon 193 259 290 194 236 247 1419 1557
3 Alex Brown 227 195 246 250 259 236 1413 1413
4 Ethan Woodall 222 277 215 211 225 187 1337 1421
5 James Cantere 227 202 279 198 217 205 1328 1328
6 Cade Stevens 185 226 208 269 220 214 1322 1454
7 Connor Macdonald 228 194 225 253 173 236 1309 1429
8 Adam Atkins 266 216 182 170 200 275 1309 1321
9 Donald Jensen Jr. 223 227 204 234 212 207 1307 1307
10 Davon Hill 216 211 215 207 226 215 1290 1290
11 Levi Hayes 204 241 226 215 179 217 1282 1282
12 Brandon Leesekamp 226 181 255 197 200 213 1272 1272
13 Matthew Jones 230 259 182 204 193 201 1269 1269
14 Ryan Crabb 232 211 192 244 202 174 1255 1363
15 Zakery Elshire 258 159 185 175 236 236 1249 1345
16 Mykes Etherington 236 178 234 246 202 146 1242 1320
17 Roy Payne 209 213 177 230 210 188 1227 1341
18 Tommy Price 171 182 218 212 212 230 1225 1267
19 Tim Huff 222 192 191 216 185 214 1220 1220
20 Ashley Pepper 232 194 243 191 201 152 1213 1333
21 Xavier Ellis 204 213 218 215 192 171 1213 1297
22 Jaaiden Sumrall 257 212 166 150 187 225 1197 1371
23 Jeffery Panther 202 253 168 182 201 190 1196 1262
24 Benicio Lara 206 182 170 217 213 192 1180 1222
25 Alex Ramirez 213 191 181 176 194 224 1179 1233
26 Pete Woodall 171 192 191 200 203 215 1172 1268
27 Zuri Tolbert 277 150 185 186 205 163 1166 1406
28 Kody Holland 151 220 207 158 145 269 1150 1336
29 Charles Jensen 144 226 195 185 167 232 1149 1371
30 Bryan Madison 213 214 181 162 199 162 1131 1269
31 Stanley Honsinger 126 203 214 162 213 201 1119 1227
32 Joel Wilson 204 185 190 167 192 179 1117 1213
33 Si Foreman 138 180 214 182 188 214 1116 1224
34 Brant Vest 171 229 184 167 166 190 1107 1275
35 Ethan Middleton 181 192 151 182 225 161 1092 1266
36 Randall Norton 209 168 187 162 203 158 1087 1291
37 Kyle Grimm 154 149 201 209 202 167 1082 1274
38 Jason Owen 188 184 199 196 182 114 1063 1201
39 Brian Malson 140 151 178 197 238 158 1062 1110
40 Duane Johns Jr 116 225 160 177 182 182 1042 1234
41 Jeremy Wilcox 180 199 166 133 183 160 1021 1321
42 Jack Earlywine 149 191 147 210 181 128 1006 1102
43 Maddox Coletti 171 170 178 182 135 161 997 1225
44 Michelle Killingsworth 168 203 127 123 166 209 996 1296
45 Rico Mckelvy 139 170 192 166 128 189 984 1236
46 Robin Payne 109 157 193 174 187 149 969 1269
47 Kyle Renton 170 145 186 175 165 120 961 1261
48 Kit Kelso 165 185 159 115 162 161 947 1157
49 Ashlee Allen 153 187 158 125 158 148 929 1229
50 Jason Gray 157 158 139 138 168 140 900 1134
51 Donald Jensen Sr 147 156 155 157 145 125 885 1185
52 Raymond De Leur Jr. 141 185 155 119 106 132 838 1138

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