2024 Mountain Home Challenge Nov
Standings for Mountain Home Challenge Nov

185 and above sorted by scratch
185 and above 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch From Cut
1 Kayne Hibberd 216 244 255 248 221 1184
2 Rick Hieb 193 268 246 220 240 1167
3 Scott Schimming 193 173 205 279 253 1103
4 Matt Tobbe 248 208 242 203 143 1044
5 Devon Davis 182 223 169 232 232 1038
6 Derek Hollingsworth 165 202 246 195 209 1017
7 Crystal Bitrick 227 193 193 191 197 1001
8 Joshua Groves 177 207 200 202 214 1000
9t Phillip Hathaway 179 184 195 222 206 986
9t JJ Eldred 212 171 217 210 176 986
11 Dallas Burke 219 131 196 194 242 982
12 Mike Van Dyke 219 190 188 217 166 980
13 Joshua Lee 172 194 171 234 202 973
14 Jake Carnahan 188 190 206 207 179 970
15 Brock Kell 199 161 209 189 203 961
16 Stephen Bitrick 202 180 210 179 181 952
17 Joshua Hardy 160 167 199 205 218 949 3
18 Shon Bywater 160 209 180 144 253 946 6
19 Delbert Bennett 198 162 198 163 221 942 10
20 Vince Kalem 192 193 182 187 176 930 22
21t Derrick Alt 160 162 201 191 215 929 23
21t Zach Pomerantz 257 210 153 136 173 929 23
23 Marshall Myers 179 152 176 238 181 926 26
24 Nick Bywater 222 188 166 173 176 925 27
25 JOHN NELSON 141 246 170 214 149 920 32
26 Dylan Ferguson 182 168 168 170 221 909 43
27 Alan Brooks 175 160 211 170 187 903 49
28 Trip Broeke 201 164 174 210 149 898 54
29 James Mazzagotte 227 137 147 211 158 880 72
30 Kevin Rawlinson 224 177 163 135 176 875 77
31 JL Eldred 157 176 163 202 168 866 86
32 Lance Fieldstad 165 153 207 161 159 845 107
33 Jessica Jenkins 189 182 157 145 170 843 109
34 DANIEL HANKINS 139 218 122 181 178 838 114
35 Chylzee Hathaway 152 146 224 158 148 828 124
36 Tasha Groves 170 192 137 166 162 827 125
37 Samantha Fieldstad 185 174 146 157 163 825 127
38 Raymond Mallo 160 161 150 141 144 756 196
39 Conner Taylor 141 161 158 147 143 750 202

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