2024 copy_Weds All Star 10/16
Standings for copy_Weds All Star 10/16

Weds all star Brackets sorted by scratch
Weds all star Brackets 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Mike L 270 257 215 742 778
2 Ryan S 224 182 199 605 689
3 Bob C 185 191 183 559 679
4 Dave P 181 238 111 530 692
5 Tony B 167 171 153 491 623
6 Ron A 247 181 428 472
7 Cj Y 191 187 378 462
8 Wyatt A 193 185 378 452
9 Raeanne O 181 174 355 451
10 Tyler P 170 170 196
11 Icia R 164 164 232
12 Will V 160 160 222
13 Courtney H 134 134 195
14 Dawan S 129 129 175

Scan for Standings