2024 wednesday sweeper
Standings for wednesday sweeper

Wednesday sweeper sorted by total overall pins
Wednesday sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead
1 Mike Malena 208 269 234 244 955 975
2 Rafael Agosto 228 264 198 220 910 966 9
3 Robert Eddy 216 203 227 203 849 905 70
4 Jason Land 241 178 256 155 830 902 73
5 Ryan Constantine 212 275 174 190 851 851 124
6 Cody Bradley 197 206 171 197 771 779 196
7 Ron Richards 180 184 184 218 766 766 209
8 Anthony Jackson 146 160 166 192 664 704 271

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