2024 Bowling for Softballs
Standings for Bowling for Softballs

Bowling for Softballs sorted by scratch
Bowling for Softballs 1 2 3 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Old Geezers 1137 1158 1233 3528 4059 $700.00
2 Brien Martinich / Austyn Martinich / Jim Aklestad / Shane Myers / Andre Carrethers 1160 1218 1068 3446 3806 $400.00
3 If You Know You Know 986 1206 1199 3391 3751 $300.00
4 The UNCLES 1135 1057 1077 3269 3605 146
5 Janice Skinner / Cory Zigan / Andrew Pfeiflie / Ryan Wanner / DC Dobson 943 915 961 2819 3560 191
6 Contract Flooring 871 891 1055 2817 3582 169
7 Nik Barber / Don Barber / AJ Schuff / Terilee Ehnes / Josh Horst 921 887 869 2677 3733 18
8 Kylee Gilcher / Bryce Krattiger / Marshayne Haynes / Josh Allen / Brandi/Mike Thome 843 958 788 2589 3801 -50
9 Becca Bradshaw / Miranda Wanner / Jordan Wanner / Jayson Wanner / Drew Wanner 834 769 821 2424 3543 208
10 Tuckin' Fenpin 760 843 741 2344 3451 300
11 Too Many Lefties 739 810 772 2321 3281 470
12 Gutter Dusters 792 756 742 2290 3667 84
13 Lickety Splits 634 819 668 2121 3252 499
14 Low Scores Highrollers 620 740 697 2057 3380 371
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