2024 MLS #2 10.27.24
Standings for MLS #2 10.27.24

MLS #2 10.27.24
MLS #2 10.27.24 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Chris Aker 191 224 178 173 766 914
2 Jack Willerton 238 230 183 253 904 904 10
3 Jacob Balser 234 197 225 237 893 893 21
4 Trevor Luedike 185 188 135 180 688 888 26
5 Tyler Huth 171 187 185 195 738 878 36
6 Dan Brockman 182 177 192 191 742 874 40
7 Britton Hole 214 181 236 173 804 808 106 66
8 Russell Moles 163 168 214 154 699 795 119 79
9 Carson Davis 160 221 184 149 714 782 132 92
10 Mark Little 146 143 142 150 581 781 133 93
11 Derek Westberry 124 147 153 146 570 770 144 104
12 Jesse Little 180 201 180 148 709 709 205 165

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