2024 VanVeghel Classic
Standings for VanVeghel Classic

VanVeghel Classic sorted by total overall pins
VanVeghel Classic 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Blake Hemann 232 244 276 233 252 1237 1312
2 Daniel Hummel 258 235 248 234 228 1203 1203
3 Kiante Depree 259 237 208 246 223 1173 1173
4 Carl Pierce 164 182 133 213 233 925 1150
5 Nate Cummins 209 224 211 290 201 1135 1135
6 Cole Gilmore 248 265 192 225 193 1123 1123
7 River VanVeghel 227 230 196 245 192 1090 1090
8 Jasmine Saunders 212 216 211 180 222 1041 1071
9 Curtis Wolf 143 134 166 213 187 843 1068 3
10 Mike Sodan 226 221 227 207 174 1055 1055 16
11 Jayvin Wonsley 184 182 235 179 214 994 1044 27
12 Drake McKnight 170 188 185 199 192 934 1034 37
13 Kamden Casey 165 225 196 228 184 998 1028 43
14 Zach Smith 171 185 232 231 208 1027 1027 44
15 Mikayla VanVeghel 209 171 178 127 159 844 1024 47
16 Nathan Wolf 203 161 124 142 167 797 1022 49
17 Jaidyn Blair 239 172 151 251 199 1012 1012 59
18 Ayden Reichel 160 147 172 157 169 805 1000 71
19 Nathan Trout 212 201 161 226 188 988 988 83
20 Carter VanVeghel 167 193 183 190 160 893 983 88
21 George Marble 215 144 230 133 180 902 957 114
22 Zack Reichert 191 214 163 184 188 940 940 131
23 Donnie Feick 116 219 140 206 205 886 936 135
24 Joe Wolf 103 155 160 107 169 694 919 152
25 Brendon Calhoon 178 180 180 166 196 900 900 171
26 Abby VanVeghel 130 154 190 124 114 712 892 179
27 Courtney Boyer 136 108 156 104 120 624 804 267
28 Ryan Matzig 122 150 113 183 203 771 771 300
29 Luke Wolf 131 156 113 117 115 632 722 349
30 Joey Norris 95 126 129 109 149 608 698 373
31 Clayton Gundlach 135 103 84 142 78 542 632 439

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