Standings for NOV LVYBT

Handicap 179 Below sorted by scratch
Handicap 179 Below 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Leoangelo Salcedo / Ely Salcedo 475 436 391 361 381 2044 2529
2 Dan'D Acock / Darrian Miller 474 368 406 401 355 2004 2249
3 Alya Van Knren-Bustamante / Marcel Archer 356 406 387 335 490 1974 2384
4 Zach Miller / Mike Poster 375 435 398 356 386 1950 2360
5 Mackenzie Meiers / Rodney Johnson 355 363 398 417 390 1923 2463 -103
6 Shawn Garcia / Jalen Greenlee 279 336 415 432 432 1894 2514 -154
7 Kal Cooper / Dennis Huston 490 366 372 305 343 1876 2311 49
8 Jordan Laguana / Richard Laguana 354 401 308 449 363 1875 2525 -165
9 Jacob Pleasant / Taylor Nay 358 413 363 354 324 1812 2217 143
10 Ivan Higgins / Brad Zentmyer 365 367 348 390 289 1759 2294 66
11 Annabel Puente / David Puente 333 342 393 328 351 1747 2302 58
12 Ethan Samson / Edwin Samson 362 368 339 290 382 1741 2331 29
13 Charlie Colletti / Joel Colletti 342 360 290 382 359 1733 2298 62
14 Anthony Herrera / John Czipka 391 319 399 291 333 1733 2158 202
15 Isabewlla Smith / Tim Smith 298 325 367 353 385 1728 2258 102
16 Noah Ramos / William Chondro 327 382 344 336 314 1703 2308 52
17 Kaydence Milk / Vince Ortiz 274 396 371 347 308 1696 2231 129
18 Khole Camarillo / Ramon Camarillo JR 332 323 363 323 325 1666 2146 214
19 Emily McHann / Matt McHann 310 324 366 324 334 1658 2268 92
20 Joey Colletti / Ryan Carroll 353 338 262 362 338 1653 2068 292
21 Tremell Adams / Charisse Adams 348 344 317 324 317 1650 2150 210
22 Jayden Daniel Dang / Candace Camarillo 322 318 332 339 331 1642 2287 73
23 Geovany Alexander Noriega / Yubani Noriega 297 330 354 278 370 1629 2494 -134
24 Liberty Acock / Sherry Sapp 383 269 276 380 321 1629 2404 -44
25 Allen Ricafrente III / Jordan McMillan 351 360 322 311 285 1629 2064 296
26 Nicholas Kabajak / Guy Duryia 267 312 360 312 340 1591 2161 199
27 Brayden Miller / Jennifer Miller 320 300 344 277 335 1576 2386 -26
28 Gage Sapp / Michael Ruiz 294 354 354 297 275 1574 2194 166
29 Cooper Widler / Dawn Convay 287 342 316 314 297 1556 2301 59
30 Ray Marusin / Matthew Marusin 263 317 328 352 251 1511 2221 139
31 Trevor Milk / Malaky Murdock 336 300 340 259 273 1508 2433 -73
32 Titan Tano / Joseph Tano 345 278 252 311 294 1480 2320 40
33 Gustavo Casillas / Giancarlo Rossi 237 275 311 265 355 1443 2188 172
34 Javier Puente / Buat Puente 273 240 282 324 292 1411 2236 124
35 Hunter Smithermen / Jeff Smithermen 284 283 309 223 275 1374 2324 36
36 Justin Ayson / Jennifer Friend 275 229 261 266 319 1350 2295 65
37 Aspen Ricafrente / Allen Ricafrente JR 269 254 278 246 300 1347 1977 383
38 Mario Guzman / Victor Guzman 245 256 266 295 221 1283 1868 492
39 Alexis Holman / Cindy Harrison 196 243 263 230 288 1220 2195 165
40 Dang Noah Gabriel / Dang Maria Cristina 209 204 234 219 258 1124 2134 226
See individual results

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