2024 NO TAP / TEN PIN MIX UP-11/23
Standings for NO TAP / TEN PIN MIX UP-11/23

Women's Hdcp Singles sorted by total overall pins
Women's Hdcp Singles 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Karin Miller 288 255 266 182 216 167 1374 1698 $140.00
2 Jackie Yaniz 221 264 216 159 219 267 1346 1622 76
3 Syndiee Volentine 247 200 178 195 174 140 1134 1464 234
4 Kristi Skeen 129 266 202 197 164 143 1101 1443 255
5 Madeline Serrano 221 212 227 118 149 137 1064 1424 274
6 Bonnie Whitehead 177 174 179 166 167 112 975 1335 363
7 Kylei Bobbs 135 84 157 72 108 121 677 1037 661

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