2024 Sport Shot Sweeper
Standings for Sport Shot Sweeper

Sport Shot Sweeper sorted by scratch
Sport Shot Sweeper 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Israel Potter 257 216 296 212 981
2 Tyler Groening 190 258 215 249 912
3 Marshall Nykoluk 268 203 182 214 867
4 Kristen Jolly 235 176 213 217 841
5 Earl Sobotkiewicz 181 248 211 194 834
6 Reid Newbiggin 215 228 223 163 829
7 Sage Wakely 202 192 180 202 776
8t Chase McVicar 172 164 233 172 741
8t Fernando Fernandez 161 194 182 204 741
10 Rhonda Chaban 176 199 180 178 733
11 Claire Burton 177 170 172 131 650
12 Will Chaban 124 135 144 125 528
13 Franco Fernandez 99 123 121 121 464

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