2024 Valentine Vegas Brackets 11_24
Standings for Valentine Vegas Brackets 11_24

Valentine Brackets sorted by total overall pins
Valentine Brackets 1 2 3 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total
1 Russ Foster 265 277 277 819 837
2 Vee Leneair 268 214 256 738 810
3 Andrew Locke 203 257 203 663 798
4 Shane Gomez 185 176 278 639 753
5 Arica Hanna 237 256 218 711 738
6 Calvin Ellis 277 212 195 684 732
7 Phil Hanna 250 226 248 724 724
8 James Toms 171 234 187 592 694
9 Ron Riley 269 217 190 676 676
10 Kirsten Locke 154 113 118 385 673
11 Amanda Larson 158 178 148 484 667
12 Crystal O'Banner 125 158 115 398 629
13 Nick Deblasi 160 201 144 505 628
14 Ken Yetz 128 191 148 467 560
15 Sonny James 214 164 378 470
16 Arthur Harris 258 204 462 468
17t Jessie Cavanaugh 121 89 210 454
17t Dishawn Byrd 255 177 432 454
19 Anthony James 213 199 412 430
20 Spencer Peterson 146 146 170

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