2024 9th Annual Diva Championship
Standings for 9th Annual Diva Championship

Div 3 (149 avg & below) sorted by scratch
Div 3 (149 avg & below) 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Patricia Guyton 179 152 194 190 715 971 $432.00
2 Tishina Smith-Walker 151 170 174 149 644 900 $250.00
3 Malia Araujo 157 164 128 181 630 938 $100.00
4 Nicole Williams 141 178 149 157 625 913 25
5 Clara Wright 190 128 148 158 624 900 38
6 Theresa DeShazior 136 190 126 165 617 873 65
7 Karen Cornacchia 171 105 186 128 590 878 60
8 Mary Pat Habuda 125 151 160 148 584 896 42
9 Michelle Glover 156 126 159 130 571 863 75
10 Yolanda Capron 146 122 124 142 534 890 48
11 Brittney Johnson 170 120 119 113 522 866 72
12 Dawn Renz 125 124 137 126 512 840 98
13 Sharon Belcher 96 143 118 132 489 777 161
14 Claudia Gayle 121 94 110 105 430 782 156
15 Christine Cottone 106 122 91 102 421 841 97

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