2025 KBT South of the Border Sweeper
Standings for KBT South of the Border Sweeper

Qualifying sorted by +/-200
Qualifying 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Devin Shepherd 175 215 212 241 279 1122 +122
2 Benjamin Lamb 248 215 226 180 203 1072 +72 50
3 Matt Wozney 200 201 212 205 215 1033 +33 89
4 Jeremy Domingo 208 237 203 197 187 1032 +32 90
5 William Black 200 152 233 230 212 1027 +27 95 5 $130.00
6 Matt Pine 207 197 226 224 170 1024 +24 98 8 $110.00
7 Johnny Di Santis 215 173 213 191 225 1017 +17 105 15 $95.00
8 Brian Cavey 199 194 199 168 255 1015 +15 107 17 $80.50
9 Kevin Walker 180 209 187 218 197 991 -9 131 41
10 Ryan Graham 215 192 185 177 216 985 -15 137 47
11 Alex Gordon 237 181 181 225 159 983 -17 139 49
12 Eric Martell 157 242 204 169 208 980 -20 142 52
13 Andy Carson 196 186 222 193 181 978 -22 144 54
14 Brian Elder 196 183 237 169 192 977 -23 145 55
15 JD Smith 171 198 203 227 177 976 -24 146 56
16 Jeremy Paden 180 189 199 206 198 972 -28 150 60
17 Tommy Barna Jr. 175 223 193 205 173 969 -31 153 63
18 Josh Phillabaum 217 226 176 190 152 961 -39 161 71
19 Tony Walton 184 154 216 186 195 935 -65 187 97
20 James Montgomery 169 201 168 215 178 931 -69 191 101
21 Rick Graham 245 169 151 191 170 926 -74 196 106
22 Erv Smith 203 167 178 175 201 924 -76 198 108
23 Rob Manley 195 167 158 210 189 919 -81 203 113
24 Stuart Knaub 159 153 139 253 210 914 -86 208 118
25 Mike Hastings 207 198 162 170 172 909 -91 213 123
26 Chris Berry 179 181 159 209 180 908 -92 214 124
27 Rodney Tennant 169 206 174 172 184 905 -95 217 127
28 Severo Gordon 220 167 191 141 179 898 -102 224 134
29 Matthew Thurmond 153 156 200 203 182 894 -106 228 138
30t Joey Ciufo 194 169 178 171 179 891 -109 231 141
30t Ron Barton 189 159 169 194 180 891 -109 231 141
32 Blake Bapisteller 224 163 173 149 177 886 -114 236 146
33 Mark Marshall 137 190 183 207 165 882 -118 240 150
34 Casey Jones 209 166 183 149 168 875 -125 247 157
35 Tubar Thompson 168 165 194 193 148 868 -132 254 164
36 Riley Smith 158 211 164 172 143 848 -152 274 184
37 Ben Rugemer 202 158 121 174 173 828 -172 294 204
38 William Hemling 149 165 125 190 187 816 -184 306 216
39 Justin Breighner 129 145 189 159 150 772 -228 350 260
** Top 8 cash, top 4 advance to stepladder finals.

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