Standings for NO TAP DOUBLES

Women's Hdcp Singles
Women's Hdcp Singles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Janet Romig 212 238 274 183 907 1099 $80.00
2 Donna Boyer 171 227 190 197 785 1061 $40.00
3 Susan Mills 194 240 193 264 891 1019 42
4 Karin Miller 218 206 199 192 815 1015 46
5 Alyssa Ramirez 233 231 191 168 823 999 62
6 Kim Kukielka 184 276 233 147 840 980 81
7 Devon Strafford 172 173 236 190 771 971 90
8 Brianna Ackert 126 156 111 147 540 944 117
9 TJ Williams 153 167 186 212 718 902 159
10 Kapi Watson 145 134 118 131 528 880 181
11 Rorye Zitzelberger 164 160 205 168 697 873 188
12 Pamela Stewart 162 174 212 126 674 802 259
13 Mae Stevens 182 155 166 177 680 800 261

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