2024 Northern Michigan 700 Mystery Doubles
Standings for Northern Michigan 700 Mystery Doubles

Mystery Doubles sorted by scratch
Mystery Doubles 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total Prize
1 Michael Luebke / Dave Shaw 416 449 499 442 1806 1902 $430.00
2 Kevin Green / Steve Ulbricht 458 406 479 439 1782 1786 $200.00
3 Barry Massey / Dave Kereluk 421 442 448 436 1747 1955 $150.00
4 Kevin Roll Jr / Nick Vitale 433 427 437 424 1721 1837 $120.00
5 Jeffrey Dundas / Josh Myers 421 465 383 437 1706 1846 $80.00
6 Brian Haley / Pat Tholl 403 424 423 424 1674 1834
7 Rich Heavlin / Brian Thorne 402 471 415 360 1648 1868
8 GERALD SMITH JR / Michael Kirby 397 438 364 413 1612 1724
9 Rick Helzer / Mike Mashue 409 410 377 379 1575 1703
10 Brian Noeske / Pat Halstead 357 432 377 393 1559 1791
11 Jordan Bondar / George Rieger 331 381 404 443 1559 1703
12 Shannon Talley / George Kinsler 433 418 383 324 1558 1674
13 Michael Kirby Sr / Jacob Krocker 461 398 360 330 1549 1741
14 Adam Kaczanowski / MIchael Harmon 463 405 334 346 1548 1668
15 Cory Allen / Matt Mclain 321 429 386 378 1514 1610
16 Tim Lalonde / Mark Long 395 390 383 326 1494 1638
17 George Rieger / Ryan Burch 286 354 425 411 1476 1560
18 Adcock Travis / Sam Peyton 388 415 320 347 1470 1554
19 Irving Michael / Pat Jarecki 353 341 405 356 1455 1603
20 Gary Cooper / Carl Taylor 353 389 347 350 1439 1599
21 Don Cline / Helga Hewlett 359 358 363 347 1427 1595
22 Dennis Marelich / Brad Mayhew 286 397 352 347 1382 1574
23 James Fransisco JR / Duane Courtright 340 351 338 311 1340 1540
24 Scott Goodrich / Blake Maylan 375 380 340 216 1311 1407
25 Dan Foley / Jasmine Scarbury 271 212 230 187 900 900
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