2025 South Florida Youth Bowlers Tour
Standings for South Florida Youth Bowlers Tour

SFYBT Boys Handicap sorted by total overall pins
SFYBT Boys Handicap 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut
1 Nabeel Arodak 235 233 203 144 815 979
2 Angelo Ferrigno 196 199 196 201 792 952 27
3 Carlo Gonzalez 184 188 215 203 790 942 37
4 Cameron Tesser 223 145 156 189 713 917 62 25
5 Hunter Woodruff 163 223 232 210 828 916 63 26
6 Dash Johnson 141 146 201 156 644 912 67 30
7 Myles Neita 128 128 115 135 506 902 77 40
8 Christian Jo 188 189 207 113 697 893 86 49
9 Logan Kuehn 97 127 95 82 401 869 110 73
10 Keenan Neita 165 114 140 129 548 868 111 74
11 Parker Gutierrez 155 91 118 161 525 865 114 77
12 Stirling Wible 157 129 143 174 603 863 116 79
13 William Bellhorn 143 93 112 98 446 838 141 104
14 Austin Adams 150 127 156 152 585 829 150 113
15 Joshua Demetrius 94 128 113 146 481 821 158 121
16 David Gonzalez 201 146 164 122 633 789 190 153
17 Marco Gonzalez 153 151 171 161 636 780 199 162
18 Dylan Gillilan 138 119 146 165 568 764 215 178
19 Enrique Soto 135 146 111 92 484 748 231 194
20 Logan Quara 136 104 115 127 482 670 309 272

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