2025 2025 Metro Phoenix USBC Masters and Queens
Standings for 2025 Metro Phoenix USBC Masters and Queens

Masters sorted by +/-200
Masters 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Lead From Cut
1 Keith Fung 201 280 246 223 257 224 1431 +231
2 Nick Barrieault 284 218 263 226 209 203 1403 +203 28
3 David Leverage 206 227 233 223 276 230 1395 +195 36
4 Brett Wolfe 222 266 224 235 199 227 1373 +173 58
5 Cortez Schenck 227 213 237 235 238 217 1367 +167 64
6 Kyle Ponzo 218 245 214 226 237 224 1364 +164 67
7 Wesley Low, Jr 235 225 239 232 229 201 1361 +161 70
8 Marcus Betts 234 228 195 202 247 248 1354 +154 77
9 Alec Johnson 279 225 205 225 194 218 1346 +146 85
10 Robbie Patterson 168 190 257 236 264 226 1341 +141 90
11 Gregory Thompson Jr. 220 223 181 168 258 278 1328 +128 103
12 Matt Jones (237) 186 197 202 247 265 224 1321 +121 110
13t Kyle King 215 193 191 275 253 193 1320 +120 111 1
13t Chad Lusche 257 172 181 244 255 211 1320 +120 111 1
15 Andrew Cain 216 225 234 248 197 197 1317 +117 114 4
16 Ben Perry 246 213 225 213 223 186 1306 +106 125 15
17 Chris Klerk 239 244 234 222 159 201 1299 +99 132 22
18 Kevin Jenkins 245 213 237 181 170 249 1295 +95 136 26
19t Troy Blickenstaff 135 237 258 257 209 198 1294 +94 137 27
19t Michael Fitzgerald 223 258 198 200 204 211 1294 +94 137 27
21 Christopher Ingram 245 200 232 204 233 161 1275 +75 156 46
22 George Cluff 197 185 214 249 216 205 1266 +66 165 55
23 Joey Burruel 243 182 225 182 228 204 1264 +64 167 57
24 Mike Jones 286 175 203 192 190 213 1259 +59 172 62
25 Hunter Mayes 212 186 256 191 209 203 1257 +57 174 64
26 Timothy Eichhorn 182 185 235 236 210 208 1256 +56 175 65
27 Pat Lombardo 224 172 179 266 204 200 1245 +45 186 76
28 Derek Acuff 150 202 246 193 217 234 1242 +42 189 79
29 Myke White 265 237 190 211 212 125 1240 +40 191 81
30 Robert Wiley 239 235 203 192 168 200 1237 +37 194 84
31 Michael Arce 222 193 179 208 201 221 1224 +24 207 97
32 Ronald Schloss 232 193 174 200 197 221 1217 +17 214 104
33 Riley Dempsey 220 205 245 179 173 189 1211 +11 220 110
34 Dwight Burns 168 225 180 238 168 225 1204 +4 227 117
35 Chris Tucker 156 188 181 211 223 244 1203 +3 228 118
36 Nick Paredes 187 168 203 191 236 206 1191 -9 240 130
37 Dylan Taylor 210 170 222 186 189 213 1190 -10 241 131
38 Chris Weyrauch 216 189 232 184 192 171 1184 -16 247 137
39 Ryan Feber 237 134 216 214 213 166 1180 -20 251 141
40 Cameron Smith 197 182 204 186 217 191 1177 -23 254 144
41 Dave Kist 163 160 192 224 245 187 1171 -29 260 150
42 Alex Benton 181 147 205 201 240 195 1169 -31 262 152
43 Jay White 169 185 224 206 199 185 1168 -32 263 153
44 Casey Candiotti 165 184 191 208 214 204 1166 -34 265 155
45 Wyatt Trzaskowski (221) 158 185 184 257 190 190 1164 -36 267 157
46 Nicholas Connes 178 222 145 233 234 149 1161 -39 270 160
47 Jon Mayer 177 165 207 159 228 220 1156 -44 275 165
48 Marcus Haley (196) 157 150 215 224 179 224 1149 -51 282 172
49 Tyler Milbrandt 194 192 209 191 186 176 1148 -52 283 173
50 Cary Tonasket 185 202 191 184 216 156 1134 -66 297 187
51 Marema Wes 172 193 166 214 209 172 1126 -74 305 195
52 Scott Satterlee 171 192 246 156 179 174 1118 -82 313 203
53 Chris Mayes 189 167 218 159 219 161 1113 -87 318 208
54t Ryan Riley 165 161 195 199 176 211 1107 -93 324 214
54t Shane Gomez 138 200 190 201 203 175 1107 -93 324 214
56 Meredith "Smokey" Pater 129 204 183 162 174 245 1097 -103 334 224
57 Douglas Bukauskas 118 205 192 209 160 200 1084 -116 347 237
58 Kyle Wakefield 226 165 175 181 186 148 1081 -119 350 240
59 Lordan Ferguson (191) 156 149 197 192 211 168 1073 -127 358 248
60 Christopher Stewart 205 171 200 172 151 154 1053 -147 378 268

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