2025 Triangle Junior Masters
Standings for Triangle Junior Masters

Qualifying JrMasters sorted by scratch
Qualifying JrMasters 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch
1 Brycen West 216 152 254 227 238 193 1280
2 Danny Chalmers 167 157 214 214 213 192 1157
3 Jade Walters 203 180 134 196 194 215 1122
4 Addysen Case 190 216 175 223 171 139 1114
5 Collin Caballero 212 194 136 170 211 190 1113
6 Calvin Little 175 174 171 181 204 158 1063
7 Hunter Evans 142 190 202 159 214 151 1058
8 Skyler Wright 203 155 181 150 181 182 1052
9 Clayton Little 202 172 131 186 156 180 1027
10 Zoey Jason 161 140 153 182 153 176 965
11t Arianna Long 172 169 180 159 135 133 948
11t Jaydyn Phillips 155 147 138 182 175 151 948
13 Austin Lord 146 188 142 158 135 156 925
14 Hailey Wright 105 154 196 160 106 180 901
15 Alex Perkins 167 118 126 158 158 161 888
16 Bailee Smith 128 143 131 162 143 166 873
17 Adley Gustin 134 148 145 120 172 147 866
18 Austin Thompson 145 156 145 162 150 106 864
19 Annicka Rutherford 155 175 115 111 139 167 862
20 Jainah Johnson-Williams 110 177 139 145 149 135 855
21 Kaiya Teitzel 132 132 159 141 146 143 853
22 Camden Buchanan 121 134 125 138 147 131 796
23 Aiden Harper 123 146 84 121 170 144 788

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