2025 Primal Showdown 5
Standings for Primal Showdown 5

Primal Showdown sorted by +/-200
Primal Showdown 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200
1 Justin Odonnell 243 233 278 269 1023 +223
2 Dylan Taylor 188 279 278 223 968 +168
3 Kyle Wakefield 236 258 211 187 892 +92
4 Troy Blickenstaff 194 234 259 201 888 +88
5 Marvin Randle El Jr. 205 192 209 213 819 +19
6 Curtis Spence 191 227 182 190 790 -10
7 Ken Yetz 176 184 216 201 777 -23
8 Michael Arce 198 198 202 175 773 -27
9 Matt Starcevich 242 183 163 177 765 -35
10 David Richard 178 210 199 132 719 -81
11 Joey Shea 217 181 136 172 706 -94

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