2025 LG Monthly Doubles - Jan 2025
Standings for LG Monthly Doubles - Jan 2025

Handicap Doubles sorted by scratch
Handicap Doubles 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Teams as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut
1 Danny Battles / Brian Fitzmaurice 535 451 415 467 566 2434 2434
2 Austin Patterson / Patrick McCarthy 452 512 474 532 408 2378 2378
3 AJ Wolstenholme / Nate Garcia 524 474 493 399 443 2333 2333
4 Duke Crouch / Khaleel Thomas 493 434 523 411 438 2299 2319
5 Tony Brooks / Lonnie Jones 399 476 528 404 484 2291 2336 -17
6 Gabe Tosella / Allen King 451 465 437 453 456 2262 2402 -83
7 Garrett Peremsky / Austin Vogt 368 460 502 455 452 2237 2257 62
8 Damien Howard / Ronnie Howard 450 413 443 498 430 2234 2239 80
9 Dick Kanatzar / Jeff Roberson 381 498 450 471 428 2228 2368 -49
10 Jabre Smith / Adam Heidemann 497 412 378 513 422 2222 2287 32
11 Josh Merkel / Keegan Walker 490 445 394 432 427 2188 2323 -4
12 Justin Paxton / Rich Lancaster 458 425 427 396 480 2186 2186 133
13 Mike Montgomery / Daniel Babcock 366 471 482 426 422 2167 2167 152
14 Austin Andrews / Jaxon Kistler 391 387 419 477 485 2159 2224 95
15 Mike Kirinsky / Lenny Solt 436 471 431 403 407 2148 2223 96
16t Justin Quade / Jeff Canger 399 376 403 468 500 2146 2236 83
16t Vince McKeoun / Vincent Spangle Jr. 440 471 397 378 460 2146 2236 83
18 Dereck Saari / Walt Coddington Jr 429 408 459 440 397 2133 2258 61
19 Caleb Nation / Andrew Bergens 355 431 393 484 457 2120 2460 -141
20 Victoria Riggs / Kenny Riggs 350 494 448 378 438 2108 2233 86
21 Heather Kronenwetter / Carmine Ferrraro 453 423 378 419 387 2060 2165 154
22 Austin Sakser / Tristynn Hane 412 408 416 405 379 2020 2135 184
23 Alyssa Simpson / Mike Ebberup 324 354 406 492 439 2015 2180 139
24 Justin McLane / Elliott McLane 471 426 373 386 337 1993 2028 291
25 Nate Johnson / Milton Jones 440 348 353 467 383 1991 2126 193
26 Ray Hatte / Budd Sowers 346 450 426 355 398 1975 2160 159
27 Keith Reiter / Marty Pescasio 364 421 388 409 389 1971 2176 143
28 Marc Delgado / Devin Daviau 286 353 431 422 402 1894 2164 155
29 Joe Casale / Derrick Dial 384 349 377 360 399 1869 2004 315
30t Carrie Ebberup / Christian Kuczej 391 381 329 396 335 1832 2082 237
30t Ally Lawrance / Rocky Lawrence 392 329 324 378 389 1812 2082 237
32 Rich Laudadio / Kile Caya 359 334 388 365 366 1812 2027 292
33 Debbie Kimble / Todd Pinckley 326 314 403 405 281 1729 2074 245
34 Dylan VanNess / Allen Vanness 394 344 318 356 297 1709 2189 130
35 Scott Derry / David Sapp 364 330 339 286 388 1707 2022 297
36 Shante' Howard / Joyce Howard 333 315 340 370 342 1700 2190 129
37 Joshua Mazon / Roody Joseph 256 374 301 306 343 1580 2055 264
38 Aubriana Abney / Aiden Fields 290 288 302 326 284 1490 1750 569
See individual results

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