2024 PJBT Event #18 21& Under Doubles #4
Standings for PJBT Event #18 21& Under Doubles #4

Handicap BEST sorted by scratch
Handicap BEST 1 2 3 4 5 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Alyssa Vulgamott 168 178 207 161 189 903 983 $100.00
2 Riley Naugle 149 176 181 213 160 879 1004 -21
3 Katie Swavely 168 126 190 162 193 839 969 14
4 Gary Leonard 165 134 170 173 191 833 1013 -30
5 Steven Leonard 152 161 120 203 185 821 1176 -193
6 Gannon Lindemuth 138 134 140 165 160 737 942 41
7 Maggie Lawyer 174 104 129 140 145 692 977 6
8 Brody Kline 120 148 134 153 109 664 884 99
9 RIley Moran 130 139 146 119 119 653 888 95
10 Ava Lochotzki 135 139 92 124 85 575 840 143

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