2025 Orlando Masters
Standings for Orlando Masters

Orlando Masters sorted by +/-200
Orlando Masters 1 2 3 4 5 6 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch +/-200 From Cut Prize
1 Chase Ramen 204 192 241 257 210 204 1308 +108 $350.00
2 Dale Hull 193 193 196 243 167 210 1202 +2 $150.00
3 Quinn Tillman 176 199 177 203 172 265 1192 -8 $100.00
4 Tiree Pollard 187 148 222 190 204 193 1144 -56 $100.00
5 Tony Colick 183 199 210 196 189 157 1134 -66
6 Eric Brown 160 193 199 126 268 185 1131 -69
7 Hayden Stuebe 161 189 185 150 199 246 1130 -70 1
8 William Kenner 188 151 186 202 174 178 1079 -121 52
9 Bill DeHaas 163 149 171 191 210 181 1065 -135 66
10 Strader Jonathan 224 148 147 170 166 174 1029 -171 102
11 Jonathan Reynolds 155 189 181 129 171 186 1011 -189 120
12 Jared Votaw 140 154 156 141 172 234 997 -203 134
13 Alyssa Brown 199 144 182 133 185 133 976 -224 155
14 Johnny Hibbett 127 151 175 153 155 206 967 -233 164
15 Michael Harvey 158 143 139 135 120 203 898 -302 233
16 Curtis Pollard Jr. 142 158 149 115 145 172 881 -319 250

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