2025 SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap Tournament - Jan
Standings for SINGLES - 9 Pin No Tap Tournament - Jan

NO TAP sorted by scratch
NO TAP 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Cut Prize
1 Robert Kelley Jr. 258 265 300 300 1123 1247 $163.00
2 Mikey Testa 298 222 300 297 1117 1241 $82.00
3 John Radziszewski 276 261 229 275 1041 1149 $48.00
4 Paul Johnson 225 254 261 298 1038 1146 $32.00
5 Robert McCrumb 276 256 227 265 1024 1108 38
6 Brian Copeland 233 266 210 300 1009 1101 45
7 Samantha McCue 245 242 221 279 987 1123 23
8 Jeremiah Mitchell 248 268 166 297 979 1179 -33
9 Scott Kelley 226 244 266 232 968 1064 82
10 Lima Rosezetta 264 170 241 256 931 1159 -13
11 Donavan Ingram 265 191 243 190 889 1133 13
12 Rodney Bubar 265 206 206 212 889 1037 109
13 Ernie Majoras 231 218 230 200 879 1031 115
14 Ethan McCue 212 264 187 181 844 1048 98
15 Brady Yount 180 229 222 208 839 971 175
16 Shawn Robison 185 240 228 176 829 1029 117
17 Terri Kute 219 199 217 179 814 994 152
18 Michael Hurst 221 216 127 233 797 1025 121
19 Darryn Ingram 219 209 189 169 786 1042 104
20t Miles Robison IV 185 207 221 157 770 974 172
20t Antione Holmes 197 157 174 226 754 974 172
22 Ron Miller 154 215 192 182 743 971 175
23 Genualdi Ricky 126 160 192 176 654 930 216
24 Castle Darlene 198 105 156 187 646 998 148
25 Miles Robinson III 180 129 159 141 609 889 257

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