2024 Chicken on the Way - 2024 All Stars
Standings for Chicken on the Way - 2024 All Stars

Feb 3 sorted by scratch
Feb 3 1 2 3 4 remove print
Place Bowlers as of as of as of as of as of as of as of as of Scratch Total From Lead From Cut Prize
1 Ron Bernard 224 202 225 224 875 899 $150.00
2 Johnny Ho 202 199 237 184 822 902 -3 $125.00
3 Vinh Luu 157 214 210 218 799 835 64 $105.00
4 Jace Hauser 233 158 178 229 798 834 65 $80.00
5 Curtis Kruschel 169 214 172 210 765 765 134 $60.00
6 Santos Cuadra 201 182 192 187 762 834 65 $50.00
7 Dave Williams 206 168 172 214 760 812 87 $40.00
8 Corey Clayton 161 195 225 173 754 786 113 $30.00
9 Walter Fritz 169 189 204 178 740 868 31 $20.00
10 Lauraine Fast 187 193 204 152 736 828 71 40
11 Chad Hauser 148 181 181 225 735 771 128 97
12 Evan Reid 209 157 178 183 727 791 108 77
13 Terri-Ann Schmidt 179 179 214 152 724 800 99 68
14 Angela Schultz 164 190 184 179 717 837 62 31
15 Augusta Bockman 226 169 188 132 715 787 112 81
16 Glen McIntosh 182 211 162 158 713 829 70 39
17 Ted Lam 171 196 155 183 705 741 158 127
18 Ted Choi 192 150 150 200 692 692 207 176
19 Gary Reid 174 179 162 176 691 755 144 113
20 Jayson Stahlbaum 163 191 162 174 690 834 65 34
21 Russ Dunn 167 171 128 211 677 741 158 127
22 Kelly Kruschel 153 162 180 177 672 780 119 88
23 Austin Christianson 157 144 165 190 656 800 99 68
24 Liz Wong 136 161 175 169 641 761 138 107
25 Tony Luu 147 157 159 172 635 699 200 169
26 Demetrius Lloyd 127 186 202 115 630 782 117 86
27 Debbie Greve 145 153 146 180 624 804 95 64
28 Danny Cheung 135 175 135 175 620 784 115 84
29 Collen Scott 139 147 148 172 606 822 77 46
30 Faby Karam 158 134 136 168 596 780 119 88
31 Wes Fritz 135 179 117 149 580 772 127 96
32 Jenn Hawkins 155 159 128 114 556 756 143 112
33 Michelle McGregor 102 149 118 106 475 743 156 125

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